Examples of equipment maintained by MDMF Photos of Instrument taken care by MDMF
Electronic Services
1. Repair and Maintenance of equipment
MDMF provides both technical expertise and equipment necessary for the repair and maintenance of a wide range of equipment. These include scientific instruments, radio communication equipment, computer control machineries and laboratory equipment. Selected staffs have received specialized training in maintaining sophisticated apparatus.
IMR is located in Room 3219 (Lift 19). All are welcome to drop-in IMR for technical interflow. Please contact Mr. Billy CHENG (2358 6833).
IMR Online Job Request (restricted for UST domain user, thru intranet)
2. Equipment Safety
MDMF coordinated with UST's Safety Office to provide technical support to all issues related to the safety use of all equipment used in the university. Occasionally, we modify equipment to meet the local safety standards and produce remedial plans after accidents caused by malfunction of equipment. We also conduct training courses on electrical safety and machine safety for university personals.
* Seminar : Electrical Safety for Laboratory Personnel, joinly organized by HSEO, 25-Aug-2016.
Please click to download the course material : Case Studies.
3.Calibration of instrument
MDMF has its own calibration laboratory to perform calibrations on multimeter, power meter, data logger, radiation monitor and temperature sensors. Detailed report on the calibration data will be produced.