The Materials, Design and Manufacturing Facility (MDMF) (CWB) focuses on multidisciplinary and application-oriented research programs that will create impact on the design and manufacturing industries in Hong Kong and the neighboring regions. The Facility has technical expertise to provide support of the advanced engineering materials technology and its applications, engineering design and manufacturing needs of teaching and learning activities, academic research and industrial collaboration projects. It creates stimulus for collaboration and interaction between HKUST, local industries and international bodies.
The Facility maintains a range of state-of-the-art equipment to promote research in the area of materials processing and development, engineering design, manufacturing and Nano-measurement. The Facility has a number of sophisticated Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines for providing a platform for CAD/CAM integration. It has a strong capability in Computer-Aided-Engineering and Reverse Engineering with a range of analysis and simulation software. The Facility is also actively involved in the manufacturing of special mechanical and electronics equipment/systems for research and industrial application. The Facility supports the repair and maintenance of sophisticated scientific instruments, calibration of measuring instruments, microstructural design and new materials development, non-destructive testing and failure analysis, applied mechanics and testing methodologies.
MDMF offers services in the following areas:
- CAD/CAM/CAE Services (CAD/CAM/CAE) (For service enquiry, please contact Mr. Reuben CM CHEUNG (egcmchg@ust.hk, 2358 8676) / Mr. Leo LEE (leo.lee@ust.hk, 2358 8665).)
- Electrical and Mechanical Fabrication Services (EMF) (For service enquiry, please contact Mr. William Wong (emccwong@ust.hk, 2358 8243) / Mr. Martin YUEN (caysk@ust.hk, 2358 6893) / Mr. C M CHEUNG (egcmchg@ust.hk, 2358 6891).)
- Instrument Maintenance and Repair Services (IMR) (For service enquiry, please contact Mr. Billy CHENG (embilly@ust.hk, 2358 6833).)
- Development Studio Services (DS) (For service enquiry, please contact Mr. William TAI (emkltai@ust.hk, 2358 8097) / Mr. Anthony TAM (emanthon@ust.hk, 2358 8900).)
- Materials Services (MAT) (For service enquiry, please contact Mr. Leo LEE (leo.lee@ust.hk, 2358 8665).)
MDMF Introduction
For any inquiry, please send an email to:
Prof. Wenjing YE, Director
Dr. Patrick T W Lam, Associate Director (empatlam@ust.hk, 2358 6838)