The TI 900 Triboindenter has been developed as an automated, high-throughput instrument that has been built on a single platform designed to support the numerous nanomechanical characterization techniques. Potential detriments to test stability and accuracy such as ambient acoustic noise, air currents, laboratory temperature variations, and vibration are minimized through active and passive damping and a custom instrument enclosure.

Modulus of elasticity
Coefficient of friction by nano-scratch testing
Wear resistance by scanning wear test
Triboindenter Platform Specification
Maximum peak load/force : 10000µN
Load Resolution: < 1 nN
Displacement Resolution: 0.0002 nm
Noise floor: 0.2 nm
Maximum Z range: 5um
Maximum X and Y range: 80um
performech® Advanced Control Module
nanoDMA® III
400 Degree Temperature Control Stage (capable of operating from -10°C up to 400°C
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