Mechanical Testing
Mechanical testing, also known as destructive testing, reveals the properties of a material under dynamic or static force. Designed to ensure that materials are suitable for their intended applications, mechanical testing includes methods such as tensile strength, compression strength, fracture toughness and fatigue. MAT provides the services of Mechanical testing for teaching and learning activities, academic research and industrial collaboration projects. MAT is located in Room 4230 (Lift 24).
For general enquiry, please contact Mr. Leo LEE (2358 8665).
Inspection and Failure Analysis
Inspection and failure analysis plays a key role determining the root cause of parts/assembly failure and working out the means for correcting and preventing current/future problems. Using advanced equipment’s, particle characterization techniques, our testing professionals render rapid, reliable, technical services for your research. Failure Analysis services including Particle characterization (Size and Surface pores and charge measurement) dopant analysis; Image processing and measuring system; C-SAM system inspection;
For general enquiry, please contact Ms. Meileng LIU (2358 8666).
Sample Processing
This laboratory provides space for the processing of metal heat treatment, polymer and carbon composite.
For general enquiry, please contact Mr. Michael LAM (2358 8669).