CAD/CAM/CAE (CAD) Services provides the services of CAD/CAM/CAE system support, Nano-measurement, 5-axis metrology, 3D scanning, 3D printing, reverse engineering and laser cutting for teaching and learning activities, academic research and industrial collaboration projects. CAD is located in Room 4224 (Lift 24).
For general enquiry, please contact Mr. Reuben CM CHEUNG (2358 8676).
For enquiry about nano-measurement, please contact Mr. Leo LEE (2358 8665).
CAD/CAM/CAE Workstation Support
CAD/CAM/CAE Services has a computer room and a cluster of high-performance workstations. The computer room is located in Room 4224b (near Lift 24) and is equipped with PCs for both teaching and research use. The workstations are mainly used for research activities. The computer room is available for registered users by 7/24. While the room is usually available to all registered users, it is also used for scheduled events, such as instruction classes, workshops, and seminar. For scheduling of events at the computer room, please contact Mr. Reuben CM CHEUNG (2358 8676).
Nano Measurement
CAD/CAM/CAE Services has installed two Nano Indenters, a 3D optical metrology system, an optical profiler and a contact angle meter for material research purpose.
For enquiry about nano-measurement, please contact Mr. Leo LEE (2358 8665).
Nanoindenter Booking Cancellation and Penalty Policy:
To reduce wasting resources and combat misuse of Nanoindenter, starting from 14 Feb 2022, bookers who are in breach of the following conditions are liable to the Nanoindenter Booking Penalty Policy.
Items of breach:
- Booker fails to take up the booked nanoindenter without cancellation of booking (by email) at least two (2) working days before the booked session on two (2) occasions within any period of 30 consecutive days; or
- Booker engages in unauthorized transfer of booking session.
Nanoindenter Booking Penalty Policy:
- Booker is liable to suspension of booking rights for nanoindenters by 21 days; and
- A penalty of HK$300.00 will be imposed.
Reverse Engineering
With the aid of touch probe, contact and non-contact 3D scanning, physical parts can be captured digitally as CAD files.
A. 5-axis metrology system and contact 3D scanning:
B. Non-contact 3D scanner: (Maximum 3 days usage for each booking, unless special request)
Authorized users can book the 3D scanners for self-service scanning. Currently enrolled PG students, faculty and staff can be authorized for self-service 3D scanning by completing an authorization session at the CAD/CAM/CAE Services. For the authorization schedule, please contact Mr. Reuben CM CHEUNG (2358 8676) at Room 4224.
3D Printing
3D printers enables product in digital CAD format to be built by laying down successive layers of material. The 3D printed physical products can be used as prototypes or engineering functional parts.
As a general guideline, user can select the best 3D printing process / 3D printer by referring to the intended Use of Model, Dimensional Tolerances, Minimum Layer Thickness (i.e. the smoothness of printed surface), Tensile Strength, Elongation to Break and Heat Deflection Temperature.
Please refer to the general guideline here.
Laser Cutting
CAD/CAM/CAE Services has two laser cutting machines, one for thin metal sheet cutting and another one for plastic plate cutting.